

Barts Cancer Institute

Dear user, We'd love to hear your thoughts on SNPnexus! Take a few minutes to complete our short survey and help us improve the tool. Your feedback is crucial in shaping the future of SNPnexus. We will greatly appreciate it. Thanks!

Query information, plots and filters
  • Query ID: example
  • Human Assembly: GRCh38/hg38
  • Number of variations: 3500
  • Export your annotation results as:
  • These results will be available until 4:05 p.m., 19 Dec 2019 (GMT)
    Plots and Graphical representations:
  • Karyotype of genomic consequences
  • Predicted functional consequences
  • Karyotype of predicted deleteriousness
  • Bar plot of predicted deleterious effect
  • Reactome Pathways Enrichment Graph
  • ✷ Show variants with global population freq. lower or equal than the threshold (e.g. 0.1)
    Add Genes to filter or leave empty to query all Genes
    Add Pathways to filter or leave empty to query all Pathways
    Annotation Results